Herbal extracts

Applied part of plant :stub
- increases immunity, helps at tumefacient ganglions
- creates barrier against viral infections by vibration of cellular membrane
- antiviral affect, anti flu affect
- successful in cure of tetter and blights, helps at corasthma, asthma and allergies
- disengages convulsions of gall, helps at casing colic
- improves blood circulation also in capillaries
- antiinflammatory effect on mucous of alimentary canal
- salves central nerve system
- regulates vegetal accidents
- helps at megrim
- cures old gashes, decubituses
- supports bark of epinephries
- decreases level of saccharides and cholesterol
- recovers whole organism, supports production of white blood cells
- helps to wash up contaminated substances from organism mainly heavy metals, smogs parts
- inhibits the creation of cellular shock and creation of injurants from irradiance and chemotherapy and helps to wash up substances after their application