Herbal extracts

Applied part of plant : stub
- supports recovery processes of liver and pancreas
- displaces attrition and cachexia, mainly mental
- corrects sleep and mainly phase difference
- increases elasticity and capacity of mental abilities mainly memory, increases concentration
- high stimulating effect at physical and mental exertion
- increases the endurance of organism on adverse affects of environment, temperature, noise, light
- cancels adverse effect of harder radiation {X radiation and CT medicals, radiations}, hinders cell shock while using before these capacities
- decreases accessory effects during chemotherapy
- quickens regeneration of organism after heavy injuries, surgery interventions, infection diseases
- helps at cure of shizophrenia
- stops degeneration of eye and ear nerve, roar, whistle in ears
- decreases level of saccharides and cholesterol {diabetes and vascular changes }
- helps to displace combustional substances from organism
- protecting and stimulating effect on endocrinal glands : thyroid, epinephries, carnal glands, libido, seminal power
- supports recovery processes of liver and pancreas
- anticancer effect
- strong act at astheniacs suffering with nerve and circulation caducity
- corrects low blood pressure, neurovegetative and vessel defects
- used for prevention of degenerative ageing processes