Herbal extracts

Applied part of plant: stub
- harmonizes glands with inside secretion and because of that is necessary at affection of pancreas, liver, milt {at acute and also at chronic states }
- supports reparational processes in fibres, after surgery invention, convalescence
- increases the endurance against stress, improves whole state of organism, supports exchange of zeins
- recovers immunized system, helps at cure of lymph ganglions, myomathosis of womb and fibrosis of breasts
- decreases level of saccharides and cholesterol { diabetes, vascular affections}
- strengthens the activity of carnal glands, seminal power
- corrects menstrual cycle
- unspecificly increases activity of whole organism
- stops processes of physical and psychical ageing
- supports digestion and metabolism, energetical use of nutritives
- displaces heavy metals and contamined substances
- favourably infuences cordial muscle, mainly during rehabilitation after heart attack
- increases flowing of blood and moderatly blood pressure
- improves brain activity and activity of central nerve system
- improves whole state at depression , increases optimism
- increases capacity of transverses