Herbal extracts

Mixtion of extracts : Leuzea, Echinacea, Rodiola, Lastovičník
- prevention and cure of all levels of endurance syndrome CFIDS
- cure of heavier levels of defect of immunity system - immunity
- complex cure of disharmony and defect of glands with inside secretion
- cure of psychogenic anorexia and physical and psychical disbility
- suitable preparation of organism before difficult surgery interventions and after them, at and after infectious diseases
- quickens regeneration after heavier injuries
- prevention of damage {prevention or decrease of cell shock } by X radiation {X and CT medicals} and therapeutic radiation {hard X, gama, kobat...}
- support of recovery processes after damage of liver, pancreas and other parenchymathosal organs
- stop of physical and psychical process of ageing
- elimination of attrition states
- increase of mental capacity, memory and concetration
- complex cure of better activity of carnal glands and creation of fructiferous mucus, increase of semen life
- increase of optimism, elimination of depressions
- help at cure of afterheartattack states