Herbal extracts

- markedly corrects low blood pressure
- unspecificly increases endurance of organism against infections
- recoverly influence during fast physical and psychical attrition
- helps to adapt to increased psychical load and regeneration after stressful situations
- mobilizes adaptable and compensating processes
- marked stimulating effect on immunity system
- increased creation of zeins is connected to increasing of amount of heamoglobin
- decreases and dismantles blood cholesterol
- improves the activity of central nerve system
- recovers sense perception{eyesight and hearing}
- interferes to development of oncogenous metastasis, moderates external exposes of consequence of radiation
- corrects congestion of cordial muscle and brain - prevention against ischemia of myocard and sudden brain emergency
- slows sclerotization of vessels
- decreases level of blood saccharides
- favourable influence on creation of enzymes