(kópia 3)
[Translate to Anglicky:]
Pohánkový vankúš je naplnený pohánkovými plevami. Plevy sú elastické a prispôsobujú sa každému tvaru Vášho tela.
Hlava a chrbtica ležia mäkko a sú celú noc optimálne opreté. Tak sa môže svalstvo, predovšetkým oblasť ramien a šije, úplne uvoľniť a dochádza k hlbokému spánku. Plevy tiež jemne masírujú zátylok.
Schopnosť pliev uskladňovať vzduch umožňuje ich dobré nahrievanie na sporáku, radiátoroch alebo na slnku. Naakumulovaná energia je potom dlhšie odovzdávaná ľudskému telu. Pohánkové plevy majú z plniacich materiálov najlepšie podperné vlastnosti.
Vankúše plnené pohánkovými plevami pohltia v noci telesný pot a odvádzajú nadbytočné teplo a vytvárajú tak príjemnú klímu pre zdravý spánok.
Pohánkové vakúše sa doporučujú na rôzne neduhy, napr. proti zablokovaniu krčnej chrbtice a z toho plynúce bolesti hlavy, zátylku, ramien a bolesti chrbta.
(kópia 4)
[Translate to Anglicky:]
Blahodárne pôsobia pri migréne, nespavosti, chorobách uší a očí. Tlmia ochorenia čelových a čeľustných dutín.
Úľavu prinášajú pri dne, reume, bolestiach končatín a kĺbov. Používanie vankúša alebo matraca plneného pohánkovými plevami tiež zlepšujú prekrvenie nôh, menej sa tvoria kŕčové žily. Zmenšujú únavnosť a závraty – veľmi časté príznaky kĺbových, chrbtových a cievnych ochorení. Znižujú početnosť návalov krvi, čo ocenia hlavne ženy v prechode. Zlepšujú odolnosť voči chorobám z nachladnutia, posilňujú imunitný systém. Podporujú činnosť obličiek a čriev, teda tráviacu a vylučovaciu sústavu. Zmierňujú početnosť astmatických záchvatov.
To všetko sa deje aj preto, že plevy dokážu pôsobiť proti geopatogénnym zónam, t.j. chrániť pred pôsobením podzemných vodných prúdov.
Z dôvodu prirodzeného opotrebovania pliev doporučujeme po cca 2 rokoch používania do vankúša náplň dosipať. A po cca 5-7 rokoch náplň úplne vymeniť.
Buckwheat pillow is filled with spelt chaff. Chaff are elastic and adapt to each shape of your body. Your head and backbone lie softly and are optimaly leanted whole night. So your musculature mainly area of shoulders and nape can totally relax and it gives out to deep and resilient sleep. Chaff also massage your scruff. The ability of chaff to absorb air enables their good heating up at the stove, radiator or at the sun. Accumulated energy is afterwards longer transmitted to human body. Buckwheat chaff have from the filling materials the best bulkhead attributes. Pillows filled with buckwheat chaff absorb sweat during night and take away abundant warm and create pleasant clime for healthy sleeping.Buckwheat pillows are recommended for different infirmities for instance against disabling of neck backbone and from this resultant headaches, aches of scruff, shoulders and and aches of back. They beneficaly influence at megrim, insomnia, diseases of ears and eyes, absorb diseases of forehead and grip void. They bring alleviation at holarthritis, screws, aches of extremities and joints. Using of this pillow or mattress filled with spelt chaff also improves circulation of blood in legs and creation of varicoses. They decreases burdensomeness and dizzynesses- very frequent attributes of joint, back and vascular diseases.They decreases frequency of flush - what mainly women during climacterium will appreciate. They improve endurance against diseases from flu and strengthen immunity. They supports the activity of epinephries and guts - so metabolism and secernet system. They alleviate the frequency of asthmatic accesses. Everything is happening because of that chaff can act against geopatogenic zones itmeans to protect against acting of undeground water flows.
Buckwheat pillow is filled with spelt chaff. Chaff are elastic and adapt to each shape of your body. Your head and backbone lie softly and are optimaly leanted whole night. So your musculature mainly area of shoulders and nape can totally relax and it gives out to deep and resilient sleep. Chaff also massage your scruff. The ability of chaff to absorb air enables their good heating up at the stove, radiator or at the sun. Accumulated energy is afterwards longer transmitted to human body.
Buckwheat chaff have from the filling materials the best bulkhead attributes. Pillows filled with spelt chaff absorb sweat during night and take away abundant warm and create pleasant clime for healthy sleeping.Buckwheat pillows are recommended for different infirmities for instance against disabling of neck backbone and from this resultant headaches, aches of scruff, shoulders and and aches of back. They beneficaly influence at megrim, insomnia, diseases of ears and eyes, absorb diseases of forehead and grip void. They bring alleviation at holarthritis, screws, aches of extremities and joints.
Using of this pillow or mattress filled with spelt chaff also improves circulation of blood in legs and creation of varicoses. They decreases burdensomeness and dizzynesses- very frequent attributes of joint, back and vascular diseases.They decreases frequency of flush - what mainly women during climacterium will appreciate. They improve endurance against diseases from flu and strengthen immunity. They supports the activity of epinephries and guts - so metabolism and secernet system. They alleviate the frequency of asthmatic accesses. Everything is happening because of that chaff can act against geopatogenic zones itmeans to protect against acting of undeground water flows.
We recomend to add the chaff after 2 years of using. And completly replace filling after 5-7 years of using.